A New Way to Think & Feel About Money


$80 / PERSON


“Deeper than I thought it would be.
It was honest - very refreshing. Getting the freedom to give generously feels good.”

Noel W.


“It’s about getting to the point where we can release the energy of money to the causes and movements and churches and communities aligned with our values, that promote human flourishing, that move individuals, families, and communities forward.”

Tim Schuster, Course Creator

Eliminate debt. Increase savings.
Live generously.


Our philosophy is simple. We don't start with budgets. We start with values. Don’t set goals without a system (not habits) to reach those goals. Money is not only logical; it’s also emotional. Begin and end with generosity. Start the 6-week course today.

Emerging Leaders Turning to 6 Weeks on Money for a New Approach to Money

“We implemented 6 Weeks on Money in our church because we want to develop disciples in a manner that engages their finances as an aspect of discipleship.”

— Pastor Matt Anderson, Surprise Church

“We want everyone to have access to a resource that helps them experience financial health as part of their journey as a follower of Jesus.”

— Pastor Michaela Lawrence Jeffery, Athens SDA

“We are bringing 6 Weeks on Money to our church because we believe our daily choices about money are as spiritual as anything else we could do — and we hope to more deeply recognize Jesus in our habits.”

— Jeremiah Lideen, Uptown Church


Explore What’s Inside the Course

  • It all belongs to God, but that doesn’t mean managing money is easy. Let’s start with your values.

  • We’ll get the numbers to add up, but let’s talk about the dangers of a scarcity mindset. Learn how to embrace gratitude and simplicity.

  • Money is emotional, and we’re okay with that. Be transformed from rigidity to agility to make wise, self-aware decisions and thrive.

  • Shortcuts never are. Embrace reality. Pursue wholeness. Look at money in 4 directions. Build community and strengthen your relationships.

  • By week 5, you’re ready to create options for the future. Set goals, eliminate debt, and increase savings. Get it!

  • Because giving it away changes our relationship with it. When we let it go, it lets go of us. Experience the joy of generosity and genuine financial freedom.


The 7 Money Moves

Tools & Examples for all Financial Situations

5 Marks of a Healthy Relationship with Money

Insanely Practical Advice & In-Depth Insights

Small Group Leader Guide


Where You Are

Easy to access audio lessons so you can learn in the car, on the treadmill, walking the dog, or doing the dishes.

Practical Today

Ideas for immediate application. Simple worksheets to give you the exact next steps.

Easy to Start

Any device. Wherever you are, start there. Look back at today as a new beginning.


Start the course.

Customize for my church.